1lb Fresh chicken livers
1lb – 1lb 2ozs butter
2 tablespoons brandy
2 fat cloves of garlic
1 tablespoon fresh thyme leaves
First trim any membrane from the chicken livers and give them a wash, pat them dry and
cut them into about 4 pieces. Melt 2 ozs butter in a wide frying pan and when the butter
starts to foam, toss in the chicken livers. Cook over a low to medium heat turning the
livers in the butter. When they are cooked through and are not pink in the middle, add
the garlic and cook for another minute or so, then add the brandy and flame or allow the
alcohol to burn off. Put the whole lot into a food processor with the fresh thyme leaves
and allow to cool slightly.
Add the butter in pieces, add about 12 ozs first and then taste after whizzing the pate
for 2-3 minutes. The pate should be smooth and taste a little milder than the desired
finished result as the flavours will get more intense as the pate cools. Pour into
individual pots or larger pots for sharing (a loaf tin is a good idea if you are making
pate for a buffet). Pour a little melted butter over the top of the pate to make a seal.
This prevents the chicken livers from oxidizing and becoming bitter. This pate freezes
very well and will keep for at least 3 months in the freezer. Serve with plenty of